
About MeditationAir

Image of Kate, yoga teacher & founder of Find out about Meditationair.

Namaste and thanks for joining me. I’m Kate, a certified yoga teacher and meditation enthusiast on a mission to help yogis learn how to meditate.

MeditationAir is my blog for valuable guidance on how to improve your health and wellbeing – and elevate your yoga practice – with easy yoga meditation.

Like many people, I was first drawn to yoga for the physical benefits, and practiced for years as part of a fitness routine. Yep, those asanas gave me awesome abs and toned triceps, and I was never interested in exploring the meditation side of yoga. That is, until the COVID pandemic slammed us.

The sheer stress and craziness of that time led me in search of a way to relax and stay balanced. Meditation sounded good. It was not easy to learn how to meditate (mind chatter 24/7!), but I started small and kept going. It has been life-changing.

Along the way, I learned many helpful meditation techniques (during my yoga teacher training and beyond) that will make it easier and quicker for others to start a consistent practice. Here is the space to share those with you.

May your yoga meditation journey take you to the healthiest places you can imagine.
